Saturday, April 07, 2012

G is for Grace based parenting

My dear wife has also used Grace for her word of the day, and I agree whole-heartedly. It is not just word of the day, but word of the life-time.

As far as grace and parenting is concerned, I first saw this a few months ago while looking for parenting resources online. Dr Timothy Kimmel uses this as the basis of his teaching for parents, which focuses us on the understanding of what Grace is, how it has been offered to us, and then passing it along to our kids. It does not mean letting them away with everything, it means giving them love when they step outside their boundaries.

Too many times I hear, "It was good enough for me, its good enough for my kids," as an excuse for what I would label harsh treatment of their kids. It may be time to stop the cycle of harshness in your family. It can begin with you and me.

From Dr Kimmel's site:
                                      "As we embrace the grace God offers, we begin to give it – creating a sound                                                     foundation for raising morally strong and spiritually motivated children."


Anonymous said...

We went to see Dr. Kimmel in Barrie one time. We often recall the story he told about letting his kid sleep with an office chair on his bed. His kid wanted to do it, and they figured it wouldn't hurt anything so they just let it go. Just last week Valerie said, "Don't worry about it... its her "office chair"." Don't sweat the small stuff, I guess is what it means.


Bethe77 said...

Grace seems to the be one of the poplar words of choice for the challenge with the letter G. It is fun reading what every one is writing!

JennaQuentin said...

Struggled through a day with my 2 year-old seems every time I give him mercy, this marvelous strong-willed child walks all over me. So glad God gives me grace for tomorrow!

Also, I've tagged you in a Lucky 7 meme post here -
Have a great week!

Christine said...

Grace is the word of the day - Happy Easter!

I'm stopping by from the A -Z Challenge. I'll be passing a link to your blog along to my husband also!

God Bless.

Coffee in the Garden
In the Care of the Great Physician

Sarah Tokeley said...

I don't believe in 'if it was good enough for me ... ' . You're right, too often that's an excuse. Do people forget how it made them feel as children?

Join Us For Breakfast said...

We've got 3 of Kimmel's books if you want to borrow them.