Closely connected to the “A-post”, your kids see you as awesome.
How do I know? I was a kid.
I have kids. I taught kids. I know lots of kids.
When they are little you have a few (what seems like ) weeks to show them you are cool. You can
do things they never knew about. Things
they can copy, and do and improve upon.
You can play the spoons!? You can
plink out a little bit of a song!?. You
can jump over THAT!?? You can throw it
that far!? You can skip that rock, name
that tree, carve that wood!?
I don’t know what you can do. I just know that you can do something awesome. Because of that, you are the coolest dad
Don’t miss the chance to show your
child what is out there for them to do, something they can do and be cool like
I think you must be a dad in a million, my late husband was a wonderful dad when they were small and when adulthood came he was still an awesome dad until the day he left this earth.
My ex-husband was a great father when my kids were small.
Great post!
All kids should be lucky to have dads with such an approach. The one to look up to and be proud of.
You sound like a great dad. Any kid would be so lucky to have you to come home to every day. :)
Great to meet you on the A-Z challenge, and I'll be checking back with you!
All three of my boys think that dad is the coolest, smartest guy ever. They know that if something breaks - their dad can fix it. Yay for dads.
Very cool! Each of us has something our coolest dad ever taught us to do.
Mine gave me the gift of storytelling.
Great post.
My kids (26 & 23) still remind me of how amazed they were at the number of free attractions I introduced them to. Their mom (my ex) tended to just throw money at them, but I didn't have resources to do that so we did the 'free activities and events circuit, including numerous free outdoor concerts. I'm glad they remember that and still value those days.
Keep up the great work, your kids are lucky. I've never had kids but have seen through others how important it is to show kids somebody cares, plus I have a great dad, enjoyed your post.
What a great thought! Too bad we have to go through the teen years later on. Cherish the times when you are at the top of the world, and rest assured those times will come again, when your kids are older. How do I know? Cause that's how I see my dad these days. (And I wasn't that much of a teen rebel)
Love this blog for Dads! Kids need their dads. I would never deprive my son of his. His Dad takes him biking and is Cubmaster for his scout pack so very involved and it makes a world of difference. Looking forward to more of your A to Z posts.
Wonderful, supportive words for Dads. A reminder that it's not about Big Things, but the small ones that are uniquely YOU that matter.
Love me a good Dad Blog.
Glad I found this.
Dads need this motivation.
You're right too, we have a 20 month old son and he thinks his dad is THE coolest thing on the planet.
I love that you're posting about dads this month. My dad was so cool. He tried to play jacks and do cartwheels with us. My husband teaches the kids to drive, which is a huge relief to me!!
If I had a son- I'd desire for him to think as you do!
Thanks so much for the inspiration!
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