Several days ago, Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out passed along
an idea to write about seven people from the past that you would like to meet
and why.
Abraham How could you be so sold out for your God,
that you would risk your son for Him?
Where does that faith come from that lets you say, “We will return”?
What was that wait like?
Charles Dickens You cared so much for the poor
children of the day, how were your children treated? I hear that home wasn’t so good. How did you wrestle through that?
Bill Cosby You wrote the book on Fatherhood. Did you ever wonder about what people would
think of you as a dad? You lost your son
in a tragic situation. How did you keep
Ike Everley You played with, maybe even taught Chet
Atkins on the guitar. You raised two
lads who became the Everley Brothers, and years later, fame and fortune never
broke that unity apart. How did that
happen? Could the same thing have
happened in today’s culture?
Henry Fonda You raised three kids in the spotlight, you always struggled with living who you thought you were supposed to be in a culture and atmosphere that allowed you to behave differently. You struggled with showing love toward your children, and yet late in life, you discovered how to reach out to them.
Archie Manning This may be a theme here, but how do
you pass on a love for something you were obviously good at to your boys? How do you cheer when they compete against
each other? What’s the mental part of
the game that you taught them?
Ken Griffey Sr. You and Archie Manning are a lot
alike. You both had really good careers
as professional athletes, and now you’re better known for who your children
are. What was it like running out on the
field with Junior that first time? I
always thought that was so cool, father and son on the same team.
Obviously there are lots of other interesting dads out there. Who would be on your list? Can you let me know in comments if you decide to use this topic please?
Obviously there are lots of other interesting dads out there. Who would be on your list? Can you let me know in comments if you decide to use this topic please?