I'm eagerly anticipating reading a book by one of my favourite... make that my only favourite, Canadian author. David Adams Richards writes from north-eastern New Brunswick but writes about humanity. He has recently published a book called "God is". Simple but thought provoking and I've only read the front cover so far. I'm in the queue at the library and getting to the top of the list. Apparently there are more David Adams Richards fans out there than I knew. This is not a post about that book.
Its more about country music.
Yesterday I got some unexpected news affecting our future. Not bad, just unexpected. It got me wondering. I do that now and then. Wondering what was next, mostly.
Post-haste from that point to a free concert with Diamond Rio. We walked in a couple of minutes late, just in time to hear "Beautiful Mess" begin, and Sabrina and I both had to acknowledge that the song was written about our lives. From there they soon launched into a song reminding us that "God is there". Now sadly at this same time a woman right behind us collapsed and was taken out by a nurse in a wheelchair and the juxtaposition of that situation with the words of the song literally made me cry. I had to close my eyes and soak in the wonder of God. He was there when a woman faced a medical crisis and He was there as I faced the struggle of what next fall should look like. Through it all, God is. God is there. Don't forget it. I'm talking to me.